Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My world for some Butter.

As you already know, i'm not a health nut. I believe in being healthy, I run two miles a night now, but there are days where the experimentation in food requires a tab of butter. And of those are joyous days! The Art of French Cooking was my companion last night as I made the most moist, unbelievably amazing chicken ever! Before you mistake me for being vain about my cooking, that above statement was my husbands quote of the evening. Up until the second year of our marriage I would mention chicken or fish and he was a little less than pleased with dinner. So chicken in our household is now a favorite, thank you Julia (and Light Cooking)! In the movie 'Julie and Julia' Amy Adam's Julie said that if there were only days left on earth she would spend it eating butter! Jillian Michaels would kick my butt for praising this fatty, yellow, yummy goodness, but I'm gushing today, sorry!!

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