Thursday, April 5, 2012

Another Day in Paradise

Well unfortunately dinner was a flop. All I can say turned out well were the green beans and how could I possibly screw those up? The steaks were over broiled and the noodles just were flat out awful! I can't stand when dinner doesn't turn out right! It's like the end of the day just hits the floor about as hard as an anvil and you can't pick it up again. In our household Dinner really is the Grand Finale of our day. Sitting together at the table talking about our day and enjoying the meal. BUT, when you don't enjoy the meal no one really wants to talk unless it's to say how awful dinner is! Oh well... Dinner tonight is fool proof so cross your fingers! My family is coming up to visit us so crock pot pot roast and baked potatoes are what's on the menu for this evening.
On that fine note, is there anything better than family coming to visit? My two younger brothers aren't even ten so my oldest gets to run and play all day long... The screams of happy children run rampant through my house, even though my Mom may try and shush them I love to hear it! This house has alot of babies around this spring. My 2 year old, my 6 month old, 4 bum lamb, 2 puppies, and a hen setting on some eggs. We have the most personal animals on the ranch and I must admit I wouldn't have it any other way! There are days as a mom (and many of you i'm sure will agree) that you just want to flop down on the floor and sleep all day, oblivious to the screaming children, dishes needing to be washed, closets needing to be organized, etc. The list is never ending! I really enjoy being busy though! My day usually consists of every hour being bursting at the seams with things to do! Speaking of, my husband bet me a new pair of jeans to get a closet organized and cleaned by the time he gets home, so I'm going to go show him how organized I can be!

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